Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I wasn't planning on venting about how hot it is this summer.
I see way too many facebook comments, twitter updates, and blog posts...complaining about the heat. I don't like to complain about things I can't control. So I was staying away from any discussion on how HOT it is....

that is...

Until our air conditioning went out yesterday.



No Warning.

No cold air!!!

It huffed, it puffed one little spurt of cold air and then nothing.
Worse yet, the air coming from the vent is no colder than the air I can blow from my mouth.
It's like its teasing me. Mocking me, saying "I'm blowing, I'm blowing...I'm just not going to blow cold air! and you can't make me!!"

Being hot and coming up with ways to prevent a heat stroke are all I can currently think about, so forgive me.
I just wanted say it's HOT. That is all.
If you need me, I'll be taking up residency in our freezer.


Jackie said...

u could always come see us.

The Dales said...

Oh my goodness, just shoot me! Pleas don't die, its sweltering out there!