Friday, April 17, 2009

Moms on facebook, I want a dirt bike...

and this post is going to be entirely RANDOM, but that's okay...its my blog and I'm a pretty random person in general.

I stayed up entirely toooo late last night. WHy?? Trying to convince my dad that we should get dirt bikes or four wheelers and teaching my mom how to use facebook.

Unfortunately, my dad is far too logically minded and therefore has the tendency to convince himself not to do some things that require the "flybytheseatofyourpants" mind set. **sigh** and my mom...well....bless her heart (that's what you say in the South you know)...she's just technologically challenged.

I'm pretty tired today. Thankfully its FRIDAY!!

Anyways, in my quest to talk my dad into getting into the whole riding scene with me, I started thinking about how life is wayyy too short. If I were to die tomorrow, did I do everything I wanted to do while here on earth? heck no. Now I'm not a huge risk taker...and fortunately I have alot of my dads logical sense...but I am a big dreamer and I do, quite often, think about things I really want to do or try. This got me thinking (dangerous and confusing I know! hardyharhar), how many people have things they want to experience in life and have yet to do it? and how many people are just content with the things they have already done and the life they currently have? and how do you get content? and when do you get to the point where you think you've experienced enough and you don't want to learn anything new or try something different? I am constantly struggling with exactly what it is that I want to learn next. I'm pretty jealous of the people, like my mom, that grew up knowing exactly what they wanted in life from the get-go. Mom, wanted to be a teacher from the start. She wanted a family, two kids, and she wanted to be a teacher. Shes pretty content with the life she has, never heard a complaint one from her. ME...on the other hand...I have no clue what I want to do. I just know I want to do alot. I never really feel settled. There is constantly something I'm itching to try next. Unfortunately, this is bad because it causes me to start and stop alot of hobbies and start and stop alot of "life plans".

Today at lunch I was sitting in my car (I do this often, sit in my car and read) and I looked up to see a squirrel in the bushes beside my car and I thought "my kids are definitely going to have a hamster as a pet." (Random, I KNOW, but I told you I'm pretty random). Then I thought "I don't want kids!!" If it isn't pretty obvious by now...I really don't know what I want. Alot of people (mostly men) would say this is because I am female and we never really know what we want. However, I want to know what I my life would be easier if I did. So how do you get to that point where you have a Eureka!! (eureka...I like that word, I can just picture a little man jumping up high with his hand in the air shouting EUREKA!! It just HIT ME!!)moment and know that you're doing exactly what you want to be doing with your life and you've experience all that you want to experience??

I don't know if I'll ever find the answer to that question......

in the mean time I really want a dirt bike.



Jackie said...


Mrs. Mullen said...

I attempting facebook...makes anyone say "wow". ha ;-)

mom said...

I'll have you know I now have four friends on facebook and have even written to them. Not sure if I know how to read where they write me back however. But I am growing.(Growth mindset is good!!!)
Lindsey you are your daddy's child always dreaming. Dreaming is good it leads to accomplishments!!!!

Autumn said...

You are a little bit nutty...but I love ya just the same! :) Believe me, there are plenty of people who have no idea what they want in life, so no worries! Just pray about it and follow God the best you can! :)

Meredith said...

Linds, God makes us all different for a reason. It's ok that you like trying new things as long as you and your life partner (Sevy!) are ok with it. Don't try to make yourself something you are not.

If you never get to that point you were talking about (the point where you're content), then you're not supposed to. God is prodding your heart to do something different for a reason. Just my 2 cents.

Jackie said...

I was wowing because of all the things going on in your mind. But now that I think about it...WOW your mom on facebook. Just kidding Anne, I love ya.

Mrs. Mullen said...
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Keith said...

Just know that Brussels Griffons are bread to capture varmits. I think Ali would like a challenge.

Becareful on the 4wheeler. I have a friend named Napoleon and his grandma broke her coccyx on the sand dunes when she fell off hers.