As promised, pictures from our beach trip!!
The first night we were excited to meet up with Sevs Army buddy, Makoto. It was nice catching up and hanging out. The boys were trying to teach Steph and I how to disco dance, lol:
It had been over a year since last we saw Mark. You learn to make your friends your family in the Army, so it was nice to have a "family reunion". Mark was one of the friends we spent many holidays with in Hawaii.
They wanted to be twins!!! ....okay, not really...but funny enough, they ended up matching EVERY DAY!!!
This was seconds before Jonathan said "Okay...GO!!" and Steph went..................screaming the ENTIRE WAY DOWN THE STREET!!! LOL Fortunately, after she learned that it was absolutely impossible to apply the breaks at the same time giving the scooter gas...she caught on and ended up being a pretty good rider!! Oh...and that was also after she managed to barely miss a mailbox, stop sign, tree and house!! hehehe
Jonathan was making fun of the way Steph and I "scooted".
Wide open roads, the wind in our hair and no where to go...ohhhhhh sweet freedom!!
We had a great time!! I'm sad to say I missed the photo of Sev jumping the side walk in attempts to race around a golf cart on the road. It was quite a site and made for a great laugh!! Steph kept saying we reminded her of the movie "Wild Hogs". The best part of the evening was when we rode up, gravel flying, and realized we were smack dab in the middle of a classy, upscale, outdoors party in Murells Inlet....oops!!
I can't wait for next year!!
Those scooters were awesome! I miss it! Thanks for posting them, they are great!
Ok, that was me, steph
It puts a big smile on my face every time I think about you guys out riding scooters. I can just see it now when y'all went flying up to that "classy" party in MI. They might have looked down there noses at ya but you guys were really having fun and I am glad. I am glad NO ONE got hurt.....that did worry me just a bit. It does my heart good to see the cousins and their husbands enjoying time together. Little girls again!
Love you, JM
These pics are HYSTERICAL! :) I'm so glad you guys had fun!!
Ok where are your helmets???
And I think next year aunt J and I will join you all with black leather pants and bikini tops. You can just call us biker babes!!!lol
And don't worry a bit I will post pics of us.
All kidding aside, glad you all had fun and weren't hurt.
Love ya,
OH I forgot about the helmets. They swore to us they had them on.....hmmmmm were you telling the truth?
JACKIEEEE....adjust your eyes, Can't you see the helmets??...geesh!! Mine was a horrible green color and stephs looked like a egg!!
mmmmmmk...we totally didn't have any on. But the guy wouldn't rent them to us...he said helmets were for the fast scooters!! We were on headlights, some w/ no mirrors, no way of telling how fast we were going, no battery, no blinkers scooters!!...basically we were riding Ghetto style ;-)
No matter how much I adjust my eyes, I just can't seem to see those "life saving" helmets that you said you wore. Poor Perrin how close he came to not having a Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle.
Oh! By all means Anne we will have to ride them next year with our Outfits. Now I have an incentive to lose weight, I will get right on that.
Oh I just read the rest of your comment. SO you can't get killed on slow moving scooters...cause nothing will happen on those. HA!
I have laughed and laughed over this. I can just see Stephanie shrieking down the street.
Keith wants to know WHERE ARE THE HELMETS???? You are more than welcome to come to work with me for a day at the hospital to see what organ donors look like that don't wear their helmets. There is one in the hospital just about every time I go. Just making sure the in-laws aren't vegetables.
Poor Poor Perrin
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